TIB: Re: [ti-basic] ('86) Help with this routine!


TIB: Re: [ti-basic] ('86) Help with this routine!

 carissaclark@home.com wrote:

Ok. I need a way to make a program that stores to different numbered
variables. I can't give you a bugged source code, cause I don't have
one. But here's an example. 

<calc>Input a number.
 <calc stores to A1>
 <calc>Input a number.
 <calc stores to A2>
 <calc>Input a number.
 <calc stores to A3>

:Lbl A
:Input A       ; get a key
:If A==1       ; if it equals 1
:1-->B         ; then store (the input number) to B
:If A==4       ; if it equals 4
:4-->C          ; then store to C
:If A==6       ; if it equals 6
:6-->D          ; then store to D
:Goto A        ; get another key

Note:  This routine will create an infinite loop

I hope this helped.  I'm not sure if this is the info you needed or not