TIB: Re: TI-92 (and +) ToolBar graphics


TIB: Re: TI-92 (and +) ToolBar graphics

One possible method is to use inderection.  suppose you have three 16x16
icons: ICON1, ICON2, and ICON3, and a expression SELECTED containing the
number of the selection (1-3)  then use the indirection command (#) to
display the one you want:  #("ICON"&string(SELECTED)):

(you'll need the three 16x16 ICON files)

lbl change
Title "Select..."
Text "Enter the ? in ICON? to display"
DropDown "ICON",{"1","2","3"}, SELECTED
Title "Test"
Item #("ICON"&string(SELECTED))
item "Change",change
item "Quit",quit
lbl quit

Or, store the icon you want to display in a variable (ICON for example) and
use the command #ICON.  Quick example:

(you'll need the 16x16 icon file you input in the Request line)

Local ICON
lbl start
Request "16x16 Icon to display",ICON
Title #ICON
Item "Change",start
Item "Quit",quit
lbl quit

I didn't test either of these since my 92+ is in my car (I'm lazy), but I
believe they should work.  If not somebody is sure to correct me :)  But
everybody should learn the possibilities of inderection, since it is one of
the most useful commands in TI-BASIC for the 92/92+/89

-----Original Message-----
From: STL137@aol.com <STL137@aol.com>
To: ti-basic@towerguard.unix.edu.sollentuna.se
Date: Monday, November 23, 1998 4:56 PM
Subject: TIB: TI-92 (and +) ToolBar graphics

>It took me a *lot* of trial and error to find that graphics are possible
>toolbar titles if and only if they are 16x16 pixels. Now, what I want to
>is if it is possible in TI-Basic to do what the Geometry application does:
>that is, change the graphic depending on what choice is selected. Eh?