Re: TIB: Re:Sprites in TIBasic


Re: TIB: Re:Sprites in TIBasic

yeah the 92+ will erase lines.  that would mean that the 89 would too.

i have a thought on why the 85/6 doesn't have the erase line function.
 Did they take it out to save space?  I mean, the Z80 chip can only
take so much ROM... did TI not include some functions because of lack
of extra space in the ROM?  just a thought... wrote:
> In a message dated 11/8/98 6:20:25 PM Central Standard Time,
> writes:
> > that is one of those things that is in the manual, but is n't
> >  on the calculator.  sorry, Line(x1,y1,x2,y2,0) won't erase...  on
> >  86 anyway.
> Isn't it stupid that TI included this function on the TI-82/83 but
not the
> 85/86? In any case, does any one with a TI-92(+ or normal) or TI-89
know if
> they include line-erasing?
> Rob Hornick

The Garth Johnson

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