TIB: Re: 86->85


TIB: Re: 86->85

Jeff Glover wrote:
Also, does anyone know of a good method to use the getKy command and have
it work fast when using a bunch of keys.  The 86 can be real slow at times
and that is a time when I can really notice it.
In my experience with my 86, it's not the getKy command that's slow, but rather the If [Then] commands that you put after it.  The If commands are ridiculously slow to execute, so if you minimize those, it will speed it up tremendously.

In my hangman game, I came up with a getKy routine that singled out the desired letter via mathematical manipulation, not If statements.  That sped things up significantly.

~Dave <the_regul8r@bigfoot.com>

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