TIB: Programmer, etc wanted


TIB: Programmer, etc wanted

I am starting a "company" (which will be a non-profit type organization) that
makes programs and games for the TI-85 (at least for now).  The games and
prgrams will be of no charge to the public.  I am hoping to find someone who
has at least some experience programming with ASM, but if you are interested
just e-mail me, not the list.  There are other jobs available too: TI-Basic
programmer, wrtiers, hardware people, and anything else you can think of.  I
hope some of you out there are interested (more than one person can do it).
Other areas of expertise are also needed, so please let me know if you are
interested.  Thank you for your time.    
Greg Sharp (formerly exxon00@aol.com)    