Re: TIB: TIH: Help?


Re: TIB: TIH: Help?

Ski4fun104 wrote:
> Dose any one rember the old old apple II 2 e it had a command that was INT and
> it was used to go to the nearest interger. Could round do that and if it could
> how would you do it? I going to use this for a project to make a postal scale
> that would tell the price for my Dad Once i get the bacsic I can put on a PIC
> using my massive brain power (and a cool little program that was wrote for me)
> so any help I know that this list is weak but put it togther boys and help me
> out a little

Keep in mind, I'm using an 83; but I think that they are all the same. 
int( will give you the integer. For example; int(1.2 will return 1. 
int(1.9 will also return a 1. However, round will do just that - 
round. round(1.2,0  [round 1.2 to zero decimal places] will return a 
1. round(1.9,0 will return a 2.  When using round(, any decimal that 
is .5 or up will round UP.

Jody Snider
