Re: TIB: I have another maze question...


Re: TIB: I have another maze question...

Just how bad do the grahics look?  If they are ok, just keep it the
way it is.  If you can't tell what things are, you need to fix it.

---Russell Ventura-Hunter <> wrote:
> Um I have a question,it's not specifically about mazes but for most of
> the 86 games i plan to make. I'm porting my maze engine to the 86
but I'm
> not sure about something,'s REALLY quick and REALLY small(5400
> including 10 levels and a few pics) and it only uses a few pics.BUT it
> doesn't look as good as other 85/86 maze engines do(i.e. Maze 3D) the
> graphics are lacking but the speed is REALLY fast..I also have this
> problem with another game I'm making,.the speed is REALLY quick and
> engine uses no pics,but the graphics look mediocre compared to other
> walking what I'm saying is what should I do?Should I make
> the graphics look better,or keep them the way they are(simple but
> this is a BIG problem for me,and i need to fix it before I continue
> further on these games...please help me...SOON.Thanx,
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