Re: TIB: TI-89 Stuff


Re: TIB: TI-89 Stuff

In a message dated 7/30/98 3:05:38 AM Eastern Daylight Time, GrafixxHQ@AOL.Com

> So does anyone know what the dimensions of the usable graph screen on the
>  TI-89 are?   I think someone on this list said it was 0-160 by 0-80, but I
>  accidentally deleted the message.  Is that right?  Also, they said that
>  knew the size of the fonts for displaying on graph screen and stuff.  Does
>  anyone know what those are?
>  Thanks for the help!

l wrote TI (about two or three months ago really) and asked them.  they told
me what the vertical size of the toolbars, satus line editline, and everything
would be.  l forgot what those are but l know that the graph will be about
78-80 pixels high.  write TI, they'll tell you.  Just put  TI-89 screen
dimensions or something in the subject and ask them for the pixels height for
all the objects.