Re: TIB: Memory and Programming Question


Re: TIB: Memory and Programming Question

> Question:
> Does it take more memory if a program is written vertically.  Example:
> :W/Z
> :A+B
> instead of all horizontally :CILCD:W/Z:A+B?

No. They are actually two different types of colons. One tells the text
drawing routine to go to the next line prior to printing it though. Both
colons use one byte and it does not matter which you use.

> Also why are some programs written across?

The regular colon is so that you can run several commands from the
homescreen. If I have several very short lines, I will write them across
to jsut keep the code neat and organized.

> Another is, In my program, If I made a mistake on giving the
> correct answer stored (look program below) on C47(cars on street) and I
> finished giving all the specs, but I want to correct C47.  What is an easier
> way to go back to Lbl UU1 or C47 so I can edit it?
> :Lbl AA
> :Disp "SPECS"
> :InpST "1)STREET NAME:",S1
> :Input "1)CARS ON SIDE A=",L1
> :Input "1)CARS ON SIDE B=",R1
> :Input "1)LENGTH N/W=",N1
> :Input "1)LENGTH S/E=",S1
> :Input "EDIT? 1(YES) 0(NO)=",Y
> :If Y==1
> :Then
> :Goto BEG
> :End
> (The BEG is I'm thinking, the Lbl area instruction so I can edit answer
> in C47, or some other cases if I typed in the wrong number for C30)
> (I skipped a few instructions to show a point)
> :Lbl UU1
> :ClLCD
> :InpST "4)STREET NAMES:",S47
> :Input "4)CARS ON STREET=",C47
> :Input "4)CARS ON SIDE A=",L47
> :Input "4)CARS ON SIDE B=",R47
> :Input "4)LENGTH N/W=",N47
> :Input "4)LENGTH S/E=",S47
> :Input "EDIT? 1(YES) 0(NO)=",Y
> :If Y==1
> :Then
> :Goto BEG
> :End
> It's hard to explain, maybe seeing the program is better.

The best way is to press [ON] [F5] [ENTER] as soon as you make the

> Also, about that
> edit part, I know that in the attached file in the program near the
> with :If WN==1 :Goto AA: Else: , is wrong(my stupid version of editing, for
> example, C47).  This is for a maximization program.  Of course there are
> better ways to do this program than I have it-I'd appreciate any help.  I'm
> not done with this, since I want to get through with these questions
> first.  Thanks for your help.

Well, if you want to do it that way, have a menu that asks if they want to
continue or change what they entered.