TIB: Multitasking.


TIB: Multitasking.

To sum up on the multitasking discussion:

Doing true multitasking in TI-BASIC is proveably impossible.
Yes, you could do a function that saves important variables, but you
cannot break from the middle of a Tetris game to do physics and then
expect to return to the exact point you stopped. You simply do not have
the interrupt option. This could be put into the program but not
efficiently. The program would have to ask constantly if you want to
interrupt, and nothing else would ever happen.
Thus, multitasking will not be done in TI-BASIC.
Good points and ideas have come up, people have discussed them in a
constructive manner, and they might be useful in other contexts.
However, the cold, hard fact remains that we can't do cost-efficient
(pseudo-)multitasking using TI-BASIC alone.


          Rene Kragh Pedersen
Apparently my clothes are defective.
 - Dilbert.
