Re: TIB: Re: Wheee


Re: TIB: Re: Wheee

On Wed, 11 Feb 1998, Eli Allen wrote:

> Only the test is not free.  Beside the registration fee the school has to
> pay for the test which is $10 (US) in packs of 10.  In my school we had to
> pay a dollar to take it.  Well our school isn't as rich as Montgomery
> Blair...

Rich? You think Blair is rich?  Bliar is the crustiest and most GHETTO
school in the U.S. (except maybe for a D.C. public school)  The school
hasn't been cleaned since the 30's, and the only time any of the graffiti
was cleaned up was because the President came.  Even then they couldn't
get it completely clean.  I didn't take the test (I'm in Precalculus and
in 9th grade) but I bet we had to pay MORE than you did (no offense

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