Re: TIB: creating lists


Re: TIB: creating lists

Travis and I made a subroutine that uses a 99x1 matrix and emulates it as a

>Okay, this one has been nagging me for a LONG time. Is it possible to
>make x number of lists? I don't know if this will make a vary big
>difference or not, but I'm using an 83. Once you use up L1->L6 you've
>go nowhere left to go! Sure you can make specialized lists with
>special little names, but you have to make each one individually. For
>example, if you had the loop;
>You would get one list - \L\ZX={0} - instead of \L\Z1, \L\Z2, \L\Z3,
>...get the idea? I realize that in this case the calc has no way of
>knowing that it would be better to keep the letter Z and have the
>number that X is. However, does anybody know another way of creating
>lists without actually having to put;
>Jody Snider
