Re: TIB: (no subject)


Re: TIB: (no subject)

Jeremy Braun wrote:
> :Prompt A,B
> :A/B->C
> :If C<=.9
> :Disp "yes"
> :If C>.9
> :Disp "no"
> That's it.  Notice the closing "'s on the Disp's.  Also, no then/end is needed as
> you only want to execute one statement.  However, this is a poor check for a
> fraction.  What do you mean by a fraction?  99/100 is a fraction, and is greater
> than .9...while 101/100 is also a fraction.  What exactly are you checking for?
> If you want a fraction by me definition, use something like....
> Prompt A,B
> A/B->C
> If fPart(C)==0
> Then
> Disp "no"
> Else
> Disp "yes"
> End
> note that I use two = because I am using an 85....
> if you want to know if it is a fraction less than one, use the first set of code,
> except change the first test to C<1; and the second to C=>1.  NOTE-this does not
> provide for negative values.  For Instance, by this algorithm, -2 is a fraction.
> Bad move, unless you input is restricted.  It would help to know exaclty what you
> want to do, and what this is for....
>     Jeremy
> wrote:
> > The problem: I can't figure out how to write a program that will display or a
> > "yes" or "no" if the answer "C" is a fraction.  Here's what I have so far.
> >
> > :Prompt A,B
> > :A/B->C
> > :If C< or equal to .9
> > :Then
> > :Disp "no
> > :End
> > :If C>.9
> > :Then
> > :Disp "yes
> > :End
> >
> > This is all I can think of on how to do the program. There are problems
> > sometimes it kicks out yes and no at the same time.  Also, I know there is an
> > easier ways to write this, and I would appreciate the help.

I'm not sure about the differences in the calcs. On the 83 you DON'T 
need the closing "'s on any command, including the Disp. Also, on the 
83 you can use a single =, instead of the ==.

Jody Snider
