Re: TIB: What do you think?? (PinBall


Re: TIB: What do you think?? (PinBall

In a message dated 12/12/98 8:52:46 AM, writes:

>	Hey guys, I now have realized that most of you use 85 or higher calcs
>and that I make most of my games for the 83 including my latest pinball.
>I was wondering if anybody who has an 83 and played it woul dgive me some
>feed back on if you like the game or not and if you could give it an honest
>rating of 1-10, 1 being worst, and include reasons for each point taken of
>score. I know this may seem like i am asking for a lot, but I only do it so I
>can make the games I make Better.  If you dont have Pinball and would like
>to have it just let me Know and I will send you the 83.g file.
>			Thanks
> 				Eric Tamme

That was a pretty nice game, good job on it... :)  Well, for a Basic Game, I
cannot say much about the speed, but it was quite entertaining for a while...
I have a few suggestions about things... Clean up the words on the title
screen a little; have a keypress routine to get past the title screen quicker
so the user doesnt have to wait there; on the Table select screen, the input
is not working correctly, so if you put any other number there besides 1-3, it
will produce some crap level; change the '0' you use for a ball, to the
degrees symbol, it looks a little nicer :)  and also, why include other level
files, if you plan for them not to work anyways? are you going to include more
levels later in this way? =P  Well, good job on it so far, but I cannot give
you a scale rating because all Basic games are down there for me, sorry... =P
															--Jason K.