RE: TIB:86ASM Module Builder


RE: TIB:86ASM Module Builder

Oh, most definately!  The problem with ASM is that it gives complete control
to the program.  The problem with complete control is that people make
errors, and those errors can crash the calc, because the program has
complete control.  :)

Stuntman (Nathan Haines) - ICQ UIN#: 2157863
QuickBASIC/Visual BASIC/TI-BASIC programmer (just your basic programmer)
President of Stuntworks -

> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of
> Sent: Tuesday, December 08, 1998 8:44 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: TIB:86ASM Module Builder
> > One of the many troubles with the on calc complier is the fact
> that if the
> >  code is executed and flaws are in it the calc will crash.  That alone
> almost
> >  defeats the purpose of making a compiler!  Unless of course you want to
> make
> >  a debugger and then i would say have fun :)  Although this
> would be great
> to
> >  have on any calc it would be hard to over come the problems.  Good Luck
> >  Dave
> This is obviously one of the largest obstacles in a project like this.  A
> debugger would probably not be too easy.  Do calcs with built in
> ASM support
> crash if there is a flaw in the code?
> Greg Sharp
