Re: TIB: case statement


Re: TIB: case statement

On Wed, 24 Sep 1997 20:15:11 -0700 (MST) writes:
>I remember in BASIC and Pascal we did stuff like:
>case n
> 1:print "one"
> 2:print "two"
>is there...

Here's what I do, and for your purposes it works the same as an actual
case statement:

:int 9rand\->\R
:"zero one  two  threefour five six  seveneight"\->\S
:Disp sub(S,5R+1,5


:int 9rand\->\R
:Disp sub("zero one  two  threefour five six  seveneight",5R+1,5

Either way will work the same, you just need to use the first way if you
use the same string more than once.

If you're wanting a way on the 82, sorry there isn't one(no string
variables, just string literals).

The Unibomer

Jared Ivey
Ham Call Sign: KF4BXL
The Unibomer's Shack:
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