Re: TIB: xyLine - fast, efficeint, few ppl know it


Re: TIB: xyLine - fast, efficeint, few ppl know it

>But a word to the wise: don't stick the goto part in an if statement, then
>calc starts to really slow down.

putting a goto in an If statement only slows down the calc if there is no
    i.e.: If A=1:Goto 1
This will slow the calc
    If A=1:Then
    Goto 1
The calc keeps the "Then" in memory and the more stuff in memory the slower
it goes.  To get around this you nee to some extra coding
    If A=1: then
    Goto 1
    Goto 2
    Lbl 1
    Lbl 2

What this does is when the prog gets to Lbl 1 without coming from an If
Then, It skips the end.  If it came from the If then, It gets the End which
takes the last Then out of memory and solves your problem.


P.S.. If you want to mess with someone's mind put this prog into their calc.
It is short and easy

Lbl 1
If A=1:Then
Goto 1

This will give them a memory error in a min or less depending on how much
free memory they have on their calc.  I Have no idea about the time it would
take on an 86.