Re: SD: Got a proposition


Re: SD: Got a proposition

Richardlewis wrote:

> There has been zero activity on this list lately, so if anyone has any
> questions on emulating ZShell 4.0, I'll do my best to answer them.
> I'm the guy
> that wrote MISh.  And remember, the source is in MISh's zip.
> Also, I have an idea for a kind of shell development competition to
> test
> your programming skills:  Make a shell that either does exactly what
> OS/7
> does, or more, but make it smaller!
> Have I got any takers?
> By the way, I'm only talking to the TI-85 shell guys.

Well, I'm writing a shell for the 86 that emulates the 85.  I would
appreciate any information you could give me.  I haven't looked into the
MISh source yet, but I have looked at UShell.  Thanks.

