Re: SD: ROM calls and such


Re: SD: ROM calls and such

>Date: Wed, 19 Aug 1998 15:38:22 -0500 (CDT)
>Subject: SD: ROM calls and such
>I'd like to see a bit more support for the floating point operations
>put into the shell...such as comparisons, trig, possibly somethig
>like FP_LD_PI (load pi to float register).
wait for update IV

>Additionally, what is the file system looking like for this OS?
>Are you basing it on the VAT of the calculator (I hope not), or
>is it something closer to a FAT table (my preference).
I'm not familiar with the FAT, I do know what it is, but what is the 
difference between it and the 85's VAT.

As far as I know, the VAT will be used to some extent, because that is 
what the 85 uses, and we can't change that.

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