Re: LZ-Adv: Help with code


Re: LZ-Adv: Help with code

It looks like you probably need to switch to the right rom page:

  ld a,4
  out (5),a

I think that is how to do it.  If that doesn't work, look in some source code for any game 
to confirm. (I might have the port number wrong or something.)

> Hi all,
> I keep plugging away at this ZShell/Z80 ASM stuff. I'll get it figured out 
> yet.
> Okay, I have written some more code that won't work.  I obviously am looking 
> at it wrong and cannot see where the problem is.  In this code, I was just 
> trying to learn to use TX_CHARPUT.  I had thought this would print the 
> binary symbol at 0,0 and 1,1 and then the octal symbol at 2,2 and 3,3.  Then 
> wait for me to press a key then return me to Zshell.
> Well, here it is:
> #include "TI-85.h"
> .org 0
> .db "Test Character Output", 0
>         ROM_CALL(CLEARLCD)              ;clear the screen
>         xor a                           ;let A=0
>         CALL_(RowCol)                   ;change cursor position
>         inc a                           ;let A=A+1 (A now 1)
>         ROM_CALL(TX_CHARPUT)            ;display character $01 at 0,0
>         CALL_(RowCol)                   ;change cursor position
>         ROM_CALL(TX_CHARPUT)            ;display same character at 1,1
>         inc a                           ;let A=A+1 (A now 2)
>         CALL_(RowCol)                   ;change cursor position
>         ROM_CALL(TX_CHARPUT)            ;display character $02 at 2,2
>         push af                         ;push to keep value $02
>         inc a                           ;let A=A+1 (A now 3)
>         CALL_(RowCol)                   ;change cursor position
>         pop af                          ;pop back our A of 2
>         ROM_CALL(TX_CHARPUT)            ;display character $02 at 3,3
> Wait:                                   ;wait till user hits key
>         CALL_(GET_KEY)                  ;check for keypress
>         cp 0                            ;if no keypress
>         JUMP_Z(Wait)                    ;go back to Wait check for keypress
>         ret                             ;any key returns to ZShell
> RowCol:                                 ;cursor position change routine
>         ld (CURSOR_ROW), a              ;these two lines
>         ld (CURSOR_COL), a              ;load the same val to row and column
>         ret                             ;return from routine.
> .end
