TI-89 Lockups


TI-89 Lockups


Last week I bought a TI-89. I've loaded Doors OS 1.0 on it, plus quite a few
math programs and some games such as Super Mario Quest, Jezzball, and Zelda.
Almost all of these games and math programs have been loaded into the
archive. I have about 100k free in the archive and about 170k of main memory
free. Everything works great, except that 4 times since I've gotten the
calculator, the calculator locks up while performing a calculation (it's
never locked up yet while running a program). Most of the time everything
works fine, but each of these 4 times, while I was doing a fairly intensive
calculation (such as finding a derivitive or intergral), the calculator
displays busy and sits there. I've waited several minutes, and it doesn't
respond to any buttons. Once it displayed an error message at the top of the
screen about a memory error and then locked up. Each time, I end up having to
take out the batteries and resetting the calc. Does anyone know why my calc
is doing this? I've searched all over and can't find anyone else who's having
problems like I am. Thanks.


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