Re: Plus module for TI-92


Re: Plus module for TI-92

Wammy the only way to buy at the same price, it's in USA. Look for someone
that's travel to USA and tell him to buy you what you want.

I'm going to do the same thing with my father. Who travel on August.
Here the ti things cost more than doble.


Buenos Aires

>From: Wammy <mesplede@EMI.U-BORDEAUX.FR>
>Reply-To: Wammy <mesplede@EMI.U-BORDEAUX.FR>
>Subject: Re: Plus module for TI-92
>Date: Tue, 4 May 1999 08:19:28 +0200
>Ray Kremer wrote:
> > I'm not sure if this will help, but here's a list of TI resellers in
> >
> >
> > >Where can I order the mTI-92 Plus Module. Texas instruments site allows
> > >orders for Canada and USA, not for France where I'm living.
>Well i thank you, but this doesn't help me... in France, the modules is
>the price as in the US... that's why I'm looking for net-resellers...
>Thanxx anyway.
>                          Christophe Mesplede
>                   Wammy on IRCNet - #31974728 on ICQ
>                 CPC FOR EVER and don't You forget it !
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