Re: Implicit Differentiation


Re: Implicit Differentiation

Make your equation into an expression by subtracting left side from right
side or right side from left side and do:

-d(expression ,x)/d(expression,y)

This will compute dy/dx.

For example:
3(x^2)y + 64(y^5) = e^(xy)
change to:
3(x^2)y + 64(y^5) - e^(xy)

and do:

-d(3*(x^2)*y + 64*(y^5) - e^(x*y) ,x)/d(3*(x^2)*y + 64*(y^5) - e^(x*y),y)

Good Luck

Gary Wardall

>How is Implicit differentiation done on an 89?
>Example 3(x^2)y + 64(y^5) = e^(xy).
>thanks a bunch
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