Re: RPN (was Re: TI-83 )


Re: RPN (was Re: TI-83 )

> One of the "ground-up" principles on which APL is based is that there
> be no precedence between operations (there are just too darn many
> in APL to try to keep a table of precedence, anyway). This is implemented
> the simple rule that a monadic operation (an operation taking one
> operates on everything to its right, and the right argument of a dyadic
> infixed) operation consists of everything to _its_ right. Parentheses can
> used to modify this, but often are not needed.

I recently looked at some lines of APL I wrote when I was studying at the
South Henrietta Institute of Technology (S.H.I. of T.) and although I wrote
an entire inventory system and Accounts Receivable in about 10 lines of APL,
I can't figure out how those old programs work.  This is not an uncommon
experience among APL programmers.  It's so obfuscated as to be impossible to
maintain.  I'll stick with a procedural (Von Neumann?) language, thanks!

Tom Lake
ICQ #25589135

> RWW Taylor
> National Technical Institute for the Deaf
> Rochester Institute of Technology
> Rochester NY 14623
> >>>> The plural of mongoose begins with p. <<<<
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