Re: Use cursor in programs?


Re: Use cursor in programs?

That is not entirely true--you can make a cursor in BASIC, but it is really
slow. All you do is make a program that plots a series of dots in the shape of a
cursor relative to a given set of (2) coords. Then you write a getkey routine
(in a new program--you can also use labels, but I like separate progs better; it
helps keep things simpler), and make A (or any other var for that matter)
increase 1 if RIGHT is pressed, decrease 1 if LEFT is pressed, increase B (or
any other) 1 if UP is pressed, and decrease 1 if DOWN is pressed. Then you call
the first program to draw the cursor. If anybody wants to see the source code
for this program, go to and download
the file called "CURSOR.ZIP." Just send the whole CURSOR.83G file to your
calc...and there you go.


Man in the Moon wrote:

> You have to use assembly language. You can't do it in TI-BASIC. Assembly
> language is where you communicate directly to the microproccessor, allowing
> you to use ALL the Z80 chips commands. Virtually anything the 6MHz calc can
> do you can program. I made a program which has something similar. On my site
> under programs. Look at the source of WordFinder.
> From: Chris (Man in the Moon)
> DuBduBdu2 wrote in message <>...
> >How would I use the cursor in one of my own programs? I have a TI-83.
> >
> >E-mail responses only, please.
> >--JR
> >
