Re: NiCd Batteries and TI92


Re: NiCd Batteries and TI92

"M.P.M.A. Limpens" schrieb:

> I was wondering if NiCd batteries can be used in the TI92, since they
> have a lower voltage than usual
> alkaline batteries. Does anyone have experience in this?
> I own a TI74 as well, and in that calculator NiCd batteries least a lot
> shorter than usual alkaline batteries.
> Greetings,
> Maurice.
>         M. Limpens
> E-mail:

Hi Maurice,

    yes, there's no problem with using NiCd Batteries in a TI92; I'm using them
two years now and I never encountered any problems they are LYTRON (hidden ad
accumulators and exactly have 1.25 Volts.

Hope I've been able to help you,
