Re: Anode Cathode; orange or white


Re: Anode Cathode; orange or white

The Thurman's <> wrote:
: I just bought all the parts for making a parrallel link cable 4 my ti-83
: (A little too much info there but o-well) and I can't figure out which
: side is which on the silicon switching diodes (1N914/1N4148 CAT. NO.
: 276-1122. i BOUGHT THIS AT (CAPS OPP, SORRY) Radio Shack... There are
: two sides, orange and white, and I can't figure out which one's anode,
: and which one's cathode!... HELP!!!

The side with the white stripe is the cathode.

Shawn D'Alimonte -
-----Under university lab conditions, the laws of nature do not apply-----
