Re: TI-86 or TI89...for electronic eng


Re: TI-86 or TI89...for electronic eng

i am a 2nd year EE and had an 85 (essentially an 86) and bought an 89 in
november. it is really a great calculator. the integration is handy, it is
just an all round better calc. plus there are going to be EE apps developed
for it.


Pucuf wrote in message <>...
>On Wed, 17 Feb 1999 05:52:23 GMT, "Fernando"
><> wrote:
>>I am doing a electronic engineering coarse (2nd year uni/collage).  What
>>would be the best calculator for this field,  a TI -86 or a TI 89.
>The TI-89
>>useful is the symbolic calculus on the TI 89?
>Extremely.  It's absolutely incredible.  At this minute, I'm taking a
>break from using mine for power supply design problems.

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