Re: TI89 Archive Memory


Re: TI89 Archive Memory

But if what's stored in Flash is deleted after RAM is deleted, it
defeats the purpose doesn't it? wrote:
> > Does anyone know what sort of memory is the TI89 archive memory?  Is it
> > some sort of flash or non-volatile memory?
> The archive memory is Flash-ROM
> > If so, what is the rated duty cycle of the memory?
> 100000 cycles by sectors.
> > If not, and if it is just regular volatile RAM, why is it so 'special'
> > that you cannot execute program directly from it (have to be copied out
> > etc by the OS first)?
> >
> > When you pull out all power, will the archive portion be gone as well or
> > will it still be there?
> Normally the user data archive shouldn't be lost but as the variables
> allocation table is stored in RAM you wouldn't be able to access your
> archived varaibles any more. Once the RAM is lost,the TI-OS completely erase
> the user data archive.
> > Thanks in advance.
>                    Timité Hassan
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