
Re: BASIC > ASM wrote:
> Interesting !
> It seems that you have a big knowledge on the subject.


> I would really like to know your opinion about the speed of the HP48 RPL
>  despite its C.P.U 8 times less powerful than the m68K of the TI92+.

I find it very fast (loops are 5x faster than TI basic!) but the HP48 is
very well designed. I consider the HP48 more like a computer than a
calculator (from the hardware and software point of view). But it is also
very difficult to write large program in RPL. And what I need is a
calculator, not a very slow pocket computer (the HP used as a calculator
has keyboard response time too long for me, I prefer the 42S). The TI89 is
also easier to use that's why I bought one.

How can you say that a saturn (4bit) at 2 or 4MHz is **8** times less
powerfull than a m68K (16-32 bit) at 10Mhz ? The saturn came out a long
time ago (83 or 84 I guess ?) and was designed specially for HP calculators
(71B, 28S, 42S, 48SX/GX and maybe other). It handles very well bcd and 5
nibbles (20bit) memory address access. Registers a 64 bits splited in
16x4bits. So memory access and register use can be higly optimized by the
programmer. On the other side, the 68000 is a general purpose processor
very easy to program. Then it is very difficult to compare their relative
power since it strongly depends on the task...

> Also do you know why bthe For loop of the TI92+ is much slower in approx mode
> than in AUTO mode.

No. Maybe because loop counters are treated as bcd integer in AUTO mode and
bcd float in approx mode even if they have integer values. In both case,
this much slower than machine code integers !

> And to finish:
> You can lock edit a program by editing it with the TI graph Link.
>        Thanks to answer.


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