Re: TI-89 virtue email needed


Re: TI-89 virtue email needed

David Osborne wrote in message <>...
>I was taught how to find square roots but I think it was the wrong way.
>Trial and error.  I'd still like to know the equation.  Send it to me.

It isn't an equation but a process much the same as long division.  Due to
the restrictions of the keyboard it would be difficult to reproduce here but
I will do an example and mail it to you.

>I agree that technology isn't always a blessing.  I still don't have power
>windows in my car.  Sometimes you have to say "What problem does this
>technology fix?"  I heard that somewhere and thought it was clever.  I
>want a calculator though.

I hope I didn't give the impression that technology isn't a blessing.  It
indeed is and is inevitable. I use a TI-86 and an HP48GX with regularity and
wouldn't want to be without them just as I wouldn't want to be without the
computer I sit in front of now.  My point was that I wouldn't want to be
without the ability to work the math with a pencil and paper either.
