Re: thats unbelievable


Re: thats unbelievable

I tried it and it seems good. I just having one problem. I downloaded some
other songs, other than the X-files theme, and all I get is a steady tick
tick tick. The Sndxfile is written in some very strange type of basic
looking language and the other songs are written in hexadecimal form. I am
sure that these songs are to run using the song player. Other than that, I
find the song player a pioneer in calculator technology.

From: Chris

> From: popov
> Subject: Re: thats unbelievable
> Date: May 20, 1998 1:49 PM
> I downloaded a programme called sndxfile.83p (at
> ) and which must do
> that. (but I've never used it)
> Here is the beginning of its readme file :

> ---
>                               Song Player                         V1.0
> 28/10/97
>                          by DHORDAIN Florent

> ---
>   Here is a small song player on the TI-83 (the first I think). This
> with
> an earphone plugged in the link-port (a piezzo buzzer, etc), or with an
> ra-
> dio...
> If you try it, send me your opinion about it.
> Bye!
> --
> Weirdkid2 <> a icrit dans l'article
> <>...
> > that new wavplayer is freakin awesome... who wouldve thought that the
> could
> > play wav's... 1 question though... will it work with headphones???
> >