Difeq in TI-85


Difeq in TI-85

Is there a smart way to verify a solution for a difequation in TI-85?
Usual equations is no problem, just to exchange x with the answer but
difeqs seems to be harder...

How about this one:

y'' + 2y' + 5y = cos x

The answer should be:

y = (e  )(A cos (2x) + B sin (2x)) - 0.1 cos x + 0.2 sin x

Now I set y1=<the line above>

der2(y1,x) + 2 der(y1,x) + 5 y1

should be equal to cos x.
x happens to be 0.123 but this should not affect this.

It doesn't matter if I set A and B to 1, the values still differ.
Is there another way, send me a mail about it!

Thanks Roland

