Re: xStat, yStat, fStat sorting on TI-86


Re: xStat, yStat, fStat sorting on TI-86

In response to:

>In a similar (frustrating) way, OneVar fails unless I painstakingly fill
>fStat with '1's for each element of the xStat list.  This seems crazy.  Is
>there a way of causing fStat to be created automatically the same length as
>xStat, and to be filled with 1's?

Suppose you have a list of data defined as X.
On the command line or in a program do:
0*X+1 sto Y

Y will be a list of 1's of the same demension as X.

That should save you some time.

Good Luck

Gary wardall

>In a similar (frustrating) way, OneVar fails unless I painstakingly fill
>fStat with '1's for each element of the xStat list.  This seems crazy.  Is
>there a way of causing fStat to be created automatically the same length as
>xStat, and to be filled with 1's?