emu48 calculator for ce 1.0 (Hewlett-Packard)


emu48 calculator for ce 1.0 (Hewlett-Packard)

this is old news, but I want to trumpet some free software (shareware?) at:


for any users of HP's 48 series graphing calculators, this should be
amazing.  unfortunately, I can't take advantage because I use texas
instruments, but I've seen the HP and it's one of the best.  darn that
RPN, though ;-)

all we need now is for HP to come out with that ROM on a cartridge, so I
could combine my calculationg and organization in one!

come on HP!!!!!!!!!

btw, there is also an emulator to run a rom image of HP48 on a regular pc.

where are the TI hackers????????

Jesse Samuels
