Re: Please Help!! TI-92 locked up!


Re: Please Help!! TI-92 locked up!

I'm not sure what you did, but you can find how to fix it at:
under the TI-92 section.

TI-CALC Discoveries

>From:  D. R. Waxler[SMTP:dwaxler@SALUKI-MAIL.SIU.EDU]
>Reply To:      D. R. Waxler
>Sent:  Wednesday, March 04, 1998 12:26 AM
>Subject:       Please Help!! TI-92 locked up!
>I used WinLink for the TI-92 to backup my ROM v1.10 calculator, inserted
>Fargo into it (as far as I know - I'm a little sketchy on how all that
>works), then sent it back to my calculator.  By the way, this was all done
>via my homespun parallel link cable.  Anyway, now my calculator just says
>"Illegal Instruction" at the top, the status bar is at the bottom, but there
>is no command line or menu.  The '2nd', 'Diamond', 'Hand', and 'Shift' keys
>all seem to work, and I can alter the contrast, but that seems to be it.  I
>can't even shut it off without just removing the batteries.  I have removed
>all the AA's and the little disc batteries at the same time, plugged them
>back in, and still have the same problem.
>If anybody can tell me what I did wrong, and, more importantly, how to fix
>it, I would GREATLY appreciate it.  I'm pulling my hair out on this one....
>By the way, an email reply would be peachy.  Thanx!