TI-85 Users


TI-85 Users

How much of the people who own a TI-85 would like a site dedicated to
it? I ask this question because first, TI-CALC navigation system sucks
a bit. The site information doesn't, but the html pages are scattered
all over the server, and the only reason I visit back there is to see
if there is any new programs for my TI-85. Right now I am working on a
great site with full support on just the TI-85, because supporting
other TI would make it a bit harder to manage. I am open to ideas now.
I hope we could get people to write programming docs for the site in
TI-85 Basic and possibly Assembly when I get around to it. I will
inform this group when it will be open, but not now. It isn't finish
yet!! Thanks!

~Jonathan Chum
TI-85 Archive

PS... The TI-85 assembly archive have been finished, but I still have
to add more files to the Basic archive. There will be screen captures
of programs of the TI-85 in greyscale when applicable in a game on the

Send e-mail to: tiarchive@hotmail.com
