Why use a high end calculator at all?


Why use a high end calculator at all?

Hello All,

As I have mentioned elsewhere, I am contemplating pursuing a degree in
Statistics. I work in a very large organisation and I produce regular
reports on the performance of a segment of our employees using
measurable criteria.

In these reports I include *very* basic stats information: ie Average,
Standard Deviation, Median etc (told you it was basic).

I am interested in upgrading my skills to provide more sophisticated
analysis of the information I receive.

Now that the preamble is over, my question is: why do people use
high-end calculators, such as the various TI models discussed in this

I use Excel Ver 5 to produce my reports: are there many *practical*
statistical functions that are not available natively in a package
like Excel?

I use the word 'practical' to imply statistical information that would
be useful in presentation to managers, many of whom do not have a
statistical background.

I ask because I will almost certainly need a good calculator for my
future studies, but I want to know if I should 'invest in the best,'
whatever that may be, or search for something that does most of what
I'm looking for without attempting to be comprehensive. In other
words, will a good calculator also have a work benefit, aside from

Sorry about the meandering questions above.

Any responses appreciated.

Best regards to all,

