Re: Ti-86 Math Programs


Re: Ti-86 Math Programs

Kevin J DeGraaf wrote:
> In the past, I have greatly respected RWW Taylor's well-reasoned
> posts.  In this case, I must partially disagree.  Understanding the
> _process_ of a long computation is obviously crucial, but _when_
> the math (or chemistry/physics formulas, etc.) have been mastered,
> repeated keystrokes take up time (that in, for example, timed
> tests, cannot be wasted) and are very susceptible to operator error.
> A program is the obvious solution -- especially considering the ease
> with which TI calculators can be programmed.  RWW Taylor makes
> the valid point that students may be inclined to wantonly copy each
> others' programs, which obviously defeats the purpose of learning and
> _then_ using a program to simplify life.  The best method may be
> the one used in my class: If you can write the program yourself, you
> may use it!  Disclaimer: I am still a high school student; therefore,
> my two cents may be biased.  I would like to see futher discussion in
> this thread (though maybe GRAPH-TI would be a better forum?).
> Kevin J. DeGraaf
> Class of 1999, Unity Christian High School

 The method described in your class makes sense.  By forcing students to
write their own programs, they must already know their formulas and
rules in order to program it properly.  If a student wants a program
specially designed to fulfill their exact needs it should be written by
that student.  Back to that original question.  The TI-86 has so much
working for it already, so there isn't much left to add except memory
work, stuff you are expected to know already.  Here's a simple tip you
might already know: put your most common commands in the CUSTOM menu,
and you will lessen your keystrokes.
