ANNOUNCEMENT: Fargo 0.2.1 released


ANNOUNCEMENT: Fargo 0.2.1 released

Changes since (taken from Fargo.txt):

  * Changed the executable file format. It now uses compressed relocation,
    bss, and import tables. Large programs will now be in fact smaller than
    they were in Fargo 0.1.x. Flinker can still generate files with the old
    format, mainly so you can see how much smaller they are with the new one.
  * Restructured flinker to be cleaner and more modular. (The changes are
    pretty much invisible to the user, though.) Also added rudimentary
    support for recognizing XRef operand sizes.
  * Added an optional compatibility module. You may link this in with the
    kernel to make it compatible with Fargo II programs and libraries that
    were released before Fargo 0.2.1. If you don't link it in, the kernel
    will be smaller. Patching a backup with the compatibility module enabled
    is automated by "pfcompat" in DOS and "putfargo-compat" in Linux. Once
    you're sure you won't need to execute pre-0.2.1 executables anymore, you
    can go back to using "putfargo".
  * Fixed a bug in FBrowser where, if there were multiple files at the end of
    a list starting with the same letter, you couldn't cycle through them in
    a loop by pressing that letter repeatedly. Incremented its version number

You may download the DOS and Linux versions, respectively, from:

David Ellsworth
IRC: eXocomp
ICQ: 2300673