Re: "Rude Is as Rude Does....."


Re: "Rude Is as Rude Does....."

I think he said RTFM
>What's RTGF?
>And don't be so quick to unsuscribe... there are more of us like you
>than there are of those geeks...

Don't call me names!?!  ;)

>> Philip J Baker wrote:
>>     I agree with Richard Bowman! I subscribed to this list in the
>> hopes of "learning from the masters". I am a retired army colonel, and
>> currently a math teacher with an engineering degree and two masters
>> degrees. I do not consider myself "stupid", as some of you might, if I
>> ask some very simple questions that are hard to find answers to in a
>> less-than-satisfactory manual. I was also hoping to find some "neat
>> ideas" that have been tried out by others with similar interests to
>> mine.
>>     What I have found is a group composed of way too many cynical,
>> snooty "geeks"! While I enjoyed the recent discussion about the cube
>> root of 64 calculation, I mostly read the messages now just to see how
>> rude some of you can be to others. Some of the subscribers are
>> obviously young people with an interest and curiosity beyond the norm
>> of their peers. Those of you who answer their questions with "RTFM",
>> or other such rude remarks ought to be ashamed. You ought to be doubly
>> ashamed if you are an educator. Is that how you answer questions in
>> class? If so, I bet you don't get too many questions asked of you any
>> more! (You probably thought it was because you were such a great
>> teacher, I bet).
>>     I'm going to hold off for a day or so before I dig up that message
>> on how to unsubscribe, just so I can read the litany of harangues I'm
>> sure to get from this message. (Sorry I've gummed up your bandwitdth
>> with another useless message, but some of you really need to "get a
>> life"!) Hey, it least this useless message wasn't about SPORTS!!!!
>> (Perish the thought!)

"Earth Today.  We'll strip mine other planets later."
