Re: can you send me a proggie


Re: can you send me a proggie

At 04:35 PM 1/7/98 EST, you wrote:
>Hi can you send me a proggie? heer you can have this
>Attachment Converted: "C:\RAMP\ATTACH\HOUSEI~1.WAV"

You attached a SPORTS WAV file in fact!  That makes it worse since I HATE
every type of sport there is in the world!  This deserves another flame
from me to you about not only wasting gigabytes of bandwidth on just
sending a 560K file, but also sending a REALLY OFF-TOPIC WAV file.  I am
now ready to come over and kill you for REALLY wasting bandwidth!  I
wouldn't have been too offended if it had been calculator related, but you
had to choose the WORST subject in the world for a WAV file.  How would you
like it if I mass e-mailed you 6 gigabytes of attachments just for your own
listening pleasure of the same thing about me praising
computers/calculators in a made up song?!?!?!?!?!?  Would you enjoy that?
Huh?  Huh?  How would you enjoy a song made by my own wonderfully cracked
and stuffy voice coming through your speakers.  You would love it just as
much as I loved your little WAV file.  I have a mass e-mail client and
since I wouldn't be using my POP3 account on TIR.COM, I could send you as
much e-mail as I like, so sending the gigabytes of data would only take
minutes to set up and you would be bogged down for the rest of your life

BTW, now that the rest of you people know that I have this software to mass
e-mail, don't tick me off tonight since I fairly trigger happy on the send
button :)

Signed by an even ANGRIER and more likely to flame you with mass e-mail,
Thomas J. Hruska

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