Re: TI-92 Multiplying vectors


Re: TI-92 Multiplying vectors

Nathan Lyon wrote:
> I need to multiply and divide complex numbers.  Using e^ixx gives
> unpredictable results.  Using [ x, y] vectors will not allow me to multiply
> or divide vectors.  Does anybody know how to use vectors like this on the
> TI-92?  The instruction manual was of little help.

some hints:
- try using brackets: e^(i*xx)
- did you take the right i? the one in yellow above the I key?
- try the format x+iy, for example: (2+3i)*(5+8i), but the Euler
  notation with the e^ works as well
- thou shalt not divide by a vector!! I mean, the result of a
  division by a vector is not defined, so why would you want to
  divide vectors?
- for vectors: I don't have my TI-92 on me (rare, but happens),
  but I think there were DotP and VectorP functions somewhere -
  check in the Catalog menu. With these you could multiply vectors.

So long,
