Re: TI-86 / Display up a certain amount? Significant digits???


Re: TI-86 / Display up a certain amount? Significant digits???

Modem Boy wrote in message <>...
> >I've written some small BASIC programs, and they usually end up
> >outputting a number... usually with TOO many digits...
> >
> >Is there anything I can add to a command to make it display say... up to
> >4 significant digits? Or something along those lines?
> >

The command is 'round(number,# of decimals)'.

It can be found on the top of page 348 in the TI-86 book.

If you want to write your own sub in basic to do this it might look
like this:(call X your original multiple decimal point number)

4*pi=X            (yields 12.5663706144)
int(X*100)=Xs     (yields 1256)
Xs/100=X          (yields 12.56)

OK, it dosn't really round, but this is one way to do it in your
own code.

So Long,

