Re: Help with some 82-BASIC code


Re: Help with some 82-BASIC code

Whenever I want very quick option changing, I always make 2 pics, one with
Yes selected and one with No selected.  Then I just write a very simple
code to switch between the pics when a key is selected.  This is the
fastest method, but also the largest size-wise.
               _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  _ _ _
              |                                               |
              |               Chris Shaull                    |
              |         |
           / )|                                                |( \
         /  / |                      \\|//                     | \  \
       (  (   |_ _ _ _OOOo(@_@)oOOO_ _ _  |  )  )
     (((\  \>   /- >                                 <- \   </  /)))
      (\\\  \_/   /                                     \   \_/  ///)
        \        /                                        \        /
          \    -/                                          \-    /
         /____ /                                       \____\

> From: Rolf Brown <>
> Subject: Help with some 82-BASIC code
> Date: Monday, September 22, 1997 2:32 AM
> I threw together some quick code earlier today that puts "yes" on the
> left and "no" on the right, and moves a highlight back and forth using
> the left and right arrow keys. Y= and GRAPH can also be used to select
> yes or no.. Looking at the code now though it seems a bit... messy.
> I was wondering if anybody had any ideas for optimization of this
> little routine, and also: Without ASM is there any way to speed up the
> process of drawing the highlights? (The Pxl-Change(y,x) command I
> guess..)
> Here's the code: