ti85 bug


ti85 bug

I don't know if someone already found this bug...(ti85, ROM ver. 10)
Try this, it shouldn't reset your calc:
ClrLCD:Input x [enter]
[2nd] [mode]  [graph]
and again [2nd] [mode] [graph]
[F1] and then edit y1 function
 (type in: "Z dot PtOn" or something like that, just remember to put Z or
any other one-letter variable at the start /*don't put reserved variables
or constants */ an then some commands,
DON'T PRESS [enter]! Stay at the end of y1 function!
Now press
 [2nd] [mode]
 hold [<-] or [->]
What you can see is how function y1 is stored in the RAM.
I looks something like 3Z.@#%#.
Now edit this. Change 3 to 4 (5,6..).
Press [graph] [F1].
This is how is possible to get characters that you can't get from CHAR
menu or keyboard! Use Eq>St(y1,string)

Please, tell me what do you think of this, even if you think it is stupid!
At least, it's a bug!


P.S. I'm not subscribed to this list any more, so if you make a replay,
please,  Cc: bili@fly.cc.fer.hr
Thank You!
 Press any key to continue or any other key to quit
