Re: Fwd: news


Re: Fwd: news

On Tue, 28 Oct 1997 21:16:16 -0500 ADAMMAN106@AOL.COM writes:
>here is the same thing that D. JacKaL said on the bottom of the
>main page.  Many of these 'updates' are shit.  The only one I can
>though is Same Game 1.1 for Fargo.  I think ZTetris is fake too but
>I'd have
>to ask Yarin (who is conveniently on this list)
>So Jimmy, are they real?

these.. UPDATES are real.. the FILENEWS ARE REAL.. they are not "SHIT"..
yes sometimes they're errors. like one or two files.. (a while ago..
Zshell 4.0 was added) (it was already in the files)..

one reason is.. ppl might upload things.. and the file op doesn't check
if it's already there.. and just verifies it as new/updated.. heck this
is fine.. for me.. ZTETRIS is real.. why do you say it's fake??.. btw.. i
frequent the ti85 and ti86 files on and what it says on
the recent updates.. and the filenews.. i can verify is not "shit"

And if you stil think it's fake.. go ahead.. stay with "ti-philes" on the
LImited users server.. and no main page with the updates..
(tiphiles.html" and lack of daily updates. is still the best in updates and content.
-nXt  OR:
