Re: help!! ti-86 regression. . .


Re: help!! ti-86 regression. . .

Micaela97 wrote:
> if anyone could tell me how to run a linear regression in the ti-86, i would
>  eternally grateful!!  i keep getting errors -  "syntax" and "dim mismatch".
>  please help!
> thanks for your time ~

The syntax is something like this:

LinR <XList>, <YList>

<XList> should be replaced with the list/stat variable that you want to
use as values for X. <YList should also be replaced with the appropriate
list/stat var. Unlike the TI-83, which automatically assumes that when
you run LinReg you want to use L1 and L2 as x values and y values, the
TI-86 requires that you enter which variables you want to use as x and y

S. Lee
