Re: 256 kB and TI-92 Assembler?


Re: 256 kB and TI-92 Assembler?

I also have ver 1.11. I got fargo to work with no problems. What you do is
the, go to the bin directory and run link.exe push b to get a
quit the program and type this
    set fargo=c:\fargo (or whereever your fargo dir is at)
    set path=%path%;%fargo%\bin
Then type this
    putfargo (whatever name you used for your backup)
Then run link.exe again and push u to send the backup to your calc. Go back to
dos prompt and run sendfarg. This will put the fargo libs on your calc. This is
I got it to work on mine. If you have some questions, let me know.

Arno Kizina wrote:

> HI, I'm new here and new to TI-graphing calculators (but not to computers).
> After having a brief view over the manual and trying some examples I think
> that I did a good choice in changing from HP's 48 GX to TI, but some thing
> missing: an assembler( I own an old Atari ST and liked programming in machine
> code on that machine more than coding on my x86). Can anybody out there
> how to get Fargo (I tried Version 0.1.13) working on a TI-92, ROM 1.11 from
> 04/11/96 with 256 kBytes of RAM? It only produced an adress-error.
> I think, my RAM is the problem, it's too much for the procedure explained in
> the Fargo-manual.
> Many thanks
> My address:
