82 equivilant


82 equivilant

What is the 82asm equivilant of this 83 code (from duckhunt)

ld a,(gunx)       gun x-coord->a
call _setxxop2    a->op2
ld a,(duckx)      duck x-coord->a
call _setxxop1    a->op1
call _fpsub       op1-op2->op1
ld a,7            7->a
call _setxxop2    a->op2
call _fpdiv       op1/op2->op1
call _int         int(op1)->op1
call _chop1fp0    op1=0? (If it does, gunx is <= 6 away)
jp nz,subbull     if not, no hit. goto subtract bullet

Any help apprecitated